Sunday, January 25, 2009


Dear Readers
I want my voice to be noticed :( I honestly think i'm okay and some of my friends and family have said i'm really good. I just wanna try it out and see what other people think about it. But i can't because i have to wait till next year for Aussie Idol and i can't think of any other way to be noticed :(

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Right Guy

Dear Readers,
I have found the right guy for me :) He saved me from making one of the most, and probably the most, stupidest mistake of my life. In my blog 'Welcome To My Life' i had been tipped over the edge completely and was going to do something really stupid. That's when James stopped me and showed me how special i am to people. He is the greatest and i can't thank him enough. I've liked him for a while to be honest with you.
He knows how to make me smile and laugh. He says the sweetest thing and makes me feel good about myself. He hugs me and kisses me constantly which makes me feel special. He tells me he loves me all the time which gives me strength and relief that he's mine.
No body's perfect, but i recon he'd come pretty damn close.
I love you so so much James. You've saved my life literally. I can't thank you enough for it. You make me feel so special and good about myself. There's no words that can describe how strongly i feel for you. I love you so much

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Dear Readers,
Sorry about my last post being so negative. I wasn't in a good mood.
One of my 'friends' (well i thought he was a friend) asked me to tell him about the stuff my family's been through. So him being my friend, i told him. And he told me that the only reason i told him was because i'm looking for attention and because i want sympathy. Well he is totally wrong and that is NOT the case. I told him because i needed to get some stuff off my chest and he told me to tell him anyway.
So this is just to say i'm sorry for the negativity. I guess i just took it out on the blog. So yeah, sorry

Friday, January 16, 2009

Welcome To My Life

Here's why i'm so negative most of the time:
*My mum cheated on my dad back in April 2008 and didnt break up with him till June 2008
*One of my friends died of an asthma attack start of 2008
*My great gandfather died in september 2008
*Ive been trying to keep whats left of my family together for 7months now, doing all the work by myself
*I've lost friends over the things my mother has done
*I dont talk to anyone about my problems because most people think i want attention and that i want people to feel sorry for me
WELL I DONT WANT ANYONE TO FEEL SORRY FOR ME!! Everyone has their own problems to think about! I don't want help! I dont want sympathy! I dont want anything except for it all to be over!!! And the sooner the better!! :(


bored. bored, bored, more bored, bored, boring, boring, bored, bored..... more bored


Dear Readers,
What do you think makes a true friend? Is it their personality? Is it that they can joke about everything? Is it that they stick by you through anything?
Well i think it's all of the above. A friend is someone you can count on for anything. A friend is someone you can trust to be your secret keeper. They're always by your side through thick and thin. And they always help you when you need it. There is so much a friend is and so many certain characteristics that they can hold. My friends have been there for me through everything. Well my true friends anyway. Ive lost some due to a break up that was 'my fault'. I've lost some because my mother decided to make a bad impression of herself in public. And others i've lost because of being with the wrong guy. Well at least i know who my true friends are.
And if Damo, Jess, Gemma, Elly, Caitlin, Ashlee, Teagan, James, Tom or Clinton are reading this, you guys, i wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for you lot. So thank you SO much. And sorry to anyone i've missed

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Word Slut

Dear Readers,
What exactly is the word slut? Does it hurt if it's just a word? And what does it actually mean?
Definition of slut: A dirty, untidy woman
Well if thats it's definition, then why is it such a hurtful word? Why have people made up a different definition of the word?
Modern day definition of slut: A woman who goes looking for sex with whoever she can
So what's the point in changing the definition.
You'd be amazed at how many people use the word and out of it's terms. For instance, a woman could be wearing baggy clothes and get called a slut. A woman may have slept with one guy (that was her boyfriend) and get called a slut. What's the point in making a word if it's going to be mis-used anyway?